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Wednesday, April 15, 2015

New Board Members

The Melrose Family Room has a board comprised of nine members, who volunteer their time to organize events, keep the room clean, and handle administrative duties.  The board meets once per month for about three hours, and discusses topics such as the budget and expenses, member complaints and suggestions, website maintenance, and upcoming events.  This year, the board members are as follow:

President: Robin Baughman 
Vice President: Meghan Robbins
New Member Coordinator: Currently Vacant
Secretary: Jennifer Silverstone
Treasurer: Stephanie Bennett
Web Coordinator: Amanda Frederick
Events Coordinator: Nicole Morse
Maintenance Coordinator: Tania Brady
Supply Coordinator: Robin Vezina
Room Cleaners: Bonnie Clapp, Atara Korik, Marika McKnight, Andrea Robin

The MFR board runs from April to April of each year, and works hard to ensure that members gain the most from their memberships.  Any MFR member is welcome to attend monthly board meetings.  We welcome member suggestions and participation, and we still need a member to fill the New Member Coordinator position.  If you are interested in attending the next board meeting or joining the board, please contact our President at